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Plastic bag survey please anwser?

What do you think about using plastic bags. Myself and a few people at my school are doing a project, and we want to make a survey about what people think about plastic. And why do you use them or not use them? Thanx


I cannot stand them for many reasons. I bought my cloth shopping bags and I take them everywhere I go. I watched my plastic bag stockpile dwindle down to nothing, what a relief.
i assume you mean for shopping. we of course use them for garbage,not for shopping. we use canvas bags,recycle what little plastic does make it into the house. those bags take so long to decompose,and they make up a huge amount of the litter in this area.
They degrade in 3 yrs now so whats the problem, I always use plastic bags as i just forget the bags for life.
I used to be into recycling big time. Then I listened to all of the anti-recycling people with an open mind. Sounds like an impossible group, but they make sense. You see, making a hybrid car takes up way more energy than it saves in fuel. Plastic is not worth recycling because it uses up way more energy than making new plastic. We dump way too much oil into it also. Also it is way more expensive. The Earth has survived earthquakes, comets, volcano eruptions, typhoons, tornadoes, ice ages, hurricanes, so on and so on. I highly doubt( as much as the human race has a hard time admitting), plastic bags will end the earth. The earth will open up and swallow us little gnats, before we even come close to hurting it. It is a lot more powerful than people think. It will be here and living way cleaner once we are gone. It did before, and it will again. Although... it does make sense to recycle aluminum, it saves money and actually works. Paper is senseless, we grow two trees to every one we cut down. Hemp would be quicker, but that is another issue. Landfills will never fill up in our time or in 50, 000 years so that is out of the picture. Plastic bags are not great, but they are not going to end us.
they are terrible. they pollute the oceans a lot. some chemicals were found in fish that humans regularly eat and they come from plastic. using a cotton bag is better. it lasts for a very long time, unlike plastic that is discarded in the same day as people buy it, and it doesnt harm the environment that much like plastic does. it can take hundred years for plastic to decompose. its not a good thing, especially cause they release chemicals. plastic in oceans is photodegrading, it falls apart into small particles and then fish think its food and eat it, and whales eat it together with plankton. if you excavate an old leather or cotton bag, its actually interesting, but a plastic bag is disgusting.

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