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What does daylight mean?

What does daylight mean?


Lighting can be divided into direct and indirect lighting lighting, direct lighting lighting refers to the window directly arranged outwards; indirect lighting means lighting window towards the closed corridor (usually a veranda), direct lighting hall, kitchen set, kitchen, room and toilet with some small courtyard lighting, lighting effects as indirect lighting.
Natural lighting usually refers to the use of natural light by the interior. It is called daylighting".
lightingInterpretation: design the size of doors and windows and the structure of the building to allow suitable light to be built inside the building.Sort:1, direct lighting refers to lighting windows directly open.2, indirect lighting refers to the lighting window towards the closed corridor (usually a veranda), direct lighting hall, kitchen and other openBase symbol:1 En - the illuminance produced by the diffuse light of the interior of a given point on the plane under the diffuse overcast light of the overcast sky;2 Ew - under the diffuse overcast light of the sky, the outdoor illuminance produced by the diffuse light of the sky on the non blocking horizontal surface of the room at the same time and at the same place in the room;3 E1 - outdoor natural light critical illuminance;4 Eq - outdoor natural light, average total illuminance.

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