What does paint thinner do? Not for house purposes for canvas oil paintings.
by paint thinner you are implying for use with oils. it thins oils to a watery consistency you can use it to wash your brushes, although it is not as thorough as turp. basically,,,you can still paint with it, as opposed to turp which is too strong and breaks down the binders.
Paint thinner is a way of describing most liquid chemicals that are used to thin oil-based paints, thin mediums (such as linseed oil), and clean paint brushes. Turpenoid, Gamsol, and artist-grade White Spirits are examples of OMS (Odorless Mineral Spirits). OMS products are oil-based paint thinners (solvents). Turpentine is a strong paint thinner for oil-based paints, however it is NOT an OMS. It has a hard to get rid of odor. The fumes can make one quickly ill. Stretching the term paint thinner, water can be considered a paint thinner for acrylics, watercolors and latex paints. A better term would be solvent. Artist and Designer, U.S.