I tru IE, Opera and Safari and this is what come out:ForbiddenYou were denied access because:Access denied by access control list.
resin (plastic) and the sun don't like each other. wicker and rain hate each other. Resin has an iron frame, which may rust. Wicker has a wooden frame which may rot! Which one is cheapest? That is the one to use!
Well I know what the rubber gloves are for!
Round pipes are easier to bend and to manufacture, also rectangular pipes have uneven pressure gradients inside and could lead to leaks. This is the same reason airliner windows are rounded and not square, due to cracks forming in the fuselage from a-symmetrical stresses forming pressure points.
I would definately go with the resin wicker. It has the same exact look as wicker, but its made out of a protective, tough material that is specifically made to hold up to the elements. If you have to go with regular wicker you will need to be sure to seal it with a spray sealer at least once a year and you should not leave it out during any cold spells or snow. Resin will give you peace of mind without having to sacrifice the look of real wicker!