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What fireproof materials and methods can be used to make a bag of important documents?

If not expensive to buy one of the best, but OKorder did not find. Because I have some important documents, documents, money, worry about living somewhere a day of fire. In case, I would like to put these important objects inside the bag can be fire. Not much of a thing, a folder size of the bag is enough. What materials can be used to make one way? Can also wrap the line, but can often open, not like the tape that ridge set up the plateau dry chop suck raft by the sample sealed. Thank you. More


You can pour a box of concrete with concrete
You can use concrete pouring a box ridge set hoarding plateau dry chop suck raft by the child, in addition to a concrete door can be, but relatively heavy, but can guarantee that will not be burned bad! Concrete is best at 20cm or more.
I can do you can give me a message that we simply talk about my product at 3000 degrees high temperature is no problem, and carry with no problems, heavy ridge set up the plateau dry chop sucking raft by the volume is also light, easy to keep.

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