I drive a 2007 Ford Taurus and the temperature is going to be in the negatives Monday and Tuesday. What gas additive should I add to the tank to prevent freezing? Thanks!
Cheap generic dry gas. As well as running a full tank. Some cars suffer from this more than others. I lived in the North and rarely used dry gas. Others swore by it. I did have one car which suffered from vapor-lock which could have have required dry gas . It also has some fuel value.
A full tank does not help in any way for keeping your lines from freezing. The only thing it possibly does is slow the tank from freezing, but your lines will freeze well before the much larger amount in the tank. As far as additives, you shouldn't need anything. They put enough crap in it at the refineries. If you're really worried about it, dump a bottle of 'fuel line antifreeze' in the tank. Make sure if you do add that, you drive it or run it for at least 5 minutes to make sure it's all nice and mixed. Though again, you shouldn't have to bother. The ethanol should do a fine job of that on it's own. Anything you buy will likely be a waste of money.