i want to run power to my garage so i can power a welding machine and an air compressor.
Yup I just at a sh it load about an hour go, I feel like a fat boy
U should only eat 3 times a normal day.(timeget own schedule).Remember,we eat only for energy and healthy.
You say a welder and a compressor what size are they 50 amp welder and 20 amp compressor200 feet one way is this what you mean 100 feet from the houseYou should bury the wire in conduit and if you want a 60 amp panel minimum 240 volt 6 copper wire would do but a sub panel is not wired like the panel in your homeAs an electrical contractor I would have to get with you and see what you need in garage lights, receptaclesetctooIt may take a 80 amp sub panel depending on what you need in your garage as far a lighting, plugs etcI would probably bid the job underground with a URD underground cable Aluminum wire(the same wire that all utility companies use) If it was a 80 amp sub I would run 2 aluminum wire two hot wires one neutral wire all of the same size 2The install a 6 wire for the ground that the sub panel would require to the main paneldepending on local code a ground rod at the garage as wellElectrical Contractor ||