assuming my total gross income (income + interest + dividends + stock profits - deductibles) falls under 2010 US 15% bracket. i would pay no CG tax right? how do i state that on the tax returns or will the IRS automatically know?
my dear friend QA i tell you a wisdom from life that money is like women never care about them they will come running to you so donot think lot of about such questionyou will find all money with its interests coming to wishes of good health as well as wealth.nawal
Step 1. Fill out 1040 schedule D correctly. Step 2. Show income on line 13. Step 3 Show Qualified dividends correctly on line 9b. Don't screw up line 9a. Total is shown in AGI and taxable income. Then when you get to the tax line, you use a worksheet rather than the tax table to calculate the tax. The worksheet splits your income into types. Ordinary (income and interest) and LTCG. After you've figured the tax on ordinary, you'll compare the LTCG with what's left of the 10/15% tax brackets. If any money spills into the the 25% bracket, you'd multiply that chunk of LTCG at 15%. The worksheet is subtle as you never multiply by 0.