like who invented the can crusher and what was the purpose of making it
Can crushers are the people who patroll alleys/dumpsters looking for cans to recycle for money.....and then they crush them....with their feet.....very loudly.
Are there are two answers to this question so I'll start with the easiest first, let's put it this way you would soon find out if you fell into one. can's go in and shredded metal comes out for recycling. Number two can crusher refers to a driver who is not familiar with the rules of the road and has a few drinks to help him on his way. he then thinks he is driving a Sherman tank.until he hits something that's a little bigger than his car like a ten tonne truck. hope this has helped.
its purpose is to compress cansso that when you recycle you can put more cans in the bag.
a waste of money unless you don't have hands
a piece of machinery that crushes cans