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What is a foil character?

please clarify for me i thought i knew this but everyone is giving different definitions and now im confused i just know that they contrast eachotherif you give an example please be detailed on WHY they are foil


A foil is a character who contrasts with another character, usually the protagonist, and, in so doing, highlights various facets of the main character's personalityA foil has some important characteristics in common with the other character, such as, frequently, superficial traits or personal historyThe author may use the foil to throw the character of the protagonist into sharper relief- foil 2 (foil) Pronunciation Key n 1A thin, flexible leaf or sheet of metal: aluminum foil 2A thin layer of polished metal placed under a displayed gem to lend it brilliance 3One that by contrast underscores or enhances the distinctive characteristics of another: I am resolved my husband shall not be a rival, but a foil to me (Charlotte Bront?) 4The reflective metal coating on the back of a glass mirror 5Architecture A curvilinear, often lobelike figure or space formed between the cusps of intersecting arcs, found especially in Gothic tracery and Moorish ornament 6 1An airfoil 2Nautical A hydrofoil tr.v foiled, foil·ing, foils 1To cover or back with foil 2To set off by contrast.

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