So i have started fishing the last few years and i really enjoy it, i bought my first rod/reel combo cheap so i would be able to see if i liked the whole fishing thing and it finally broke. What are some decent fishing rods and reels? Doesn't have to be a package combo, i will happily buy a rod and a reel separately. I dont want to spend more then 100 dollars, preferably much less then that actually.I live in PA, so i am fishing for bass, trout and any other fish native to Southeast PA.
This sounds like either a physical or psychological medical issue that needs to be taken more seriously. It may not just be laziness but truly a bigger picture. At 14 he should be embarrassed by this behavior as none of his peers would be doing this, and the teasing that can happen at school would create a factor of isolation which being social creatures would cause some sort of ripple effect. I'd get her more animated in doing something to help her son, sooner than later. Good luck with this one.
You are issued fragmentation resistant glasses or goggles. A face shield isn't bullet proof nor will it allow for the wear of night vision goggles and complicates having to put on a gas mask.