??? Any cool NEW t-mobile phone that is not a touch screan or sidekick??? And could I find a cheap one on OKorder?
properly, probably the iPhone, yet I desire the Android telephones, frequently the HTC Magic, as in case you get an App reported as BioWallet, you may replace the elect for a PIN with an Iris test. you additionally can test the bar code of a e book and then receive that e book from the internet.
i have a tmobile dash. its a smartphone which means it doesnt use touch screen (i dont like touch screen either). it runs windows mobile so you can surf online using internet explorer and you can set it up to recieve your yahoo and hotmail emails. you can even download programs for it. my favorite programs are Operamini and Mundu InternetRadio. as to the price on OKorder, your just gonna have to search that yourself. just sort the search buy price:lowest to highest.