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what is additive & subtractive colour in theory of light?

what is additive & subtractive colour in theory of light?


Additive And Subtractive Colour Theory
RGB vs CMY The additive colour theory states that an merchandise reflects or transmits mild of right here colours by using including the two next to it (or leaving out the single that is lacking: pink - Y+M green - C+Y Blue - C+M while subtractive colour theory states that an merchandise absorbs right here colours and produces the single next to them: Cyan - pink Magenta - green Yellow - Blue Or by using subtracting those 2 colours from one yet another: Cyan - G-Y Magenta - B-Y or R-C (there are conflicting theories approximately this one considering magenta is genuinely an imaginary colour) Yellow - G-C SO: a Yellow balloon is a balloon that reflects yellow mild. considering there is yellow in green it is going to mirror that and look yellow in case you shine a magenta mild one it, magenta = -green that's comparable to pink plus blue. considering yellow is absorption of blue, pink would be contemplated: it is going to be pink
additive theory is the addition of colours to create the full spectrum of visible light. This is how you TV works, it uses an RGB signal, red green blue, to create the colours that you see. in subtractive cases, we add pigments that absorb all light but one colour. hence the subtraction of other colours. This system often uses CYM or cyan yellow magenta as its primary colours. take a look at the link it explains very well

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