what is amd Bulldozer for? is this a 8 core cpu? will a pc gamer need this? who needs this? i am going to make a pc will i need a am3+ motherboard some thime soon? or should i just get am3?
Its the newest from AMD...its 8 core and it needs the new am3+ socket..however older am3's will work in the am3+ socket. Will you need it? do you need a 6 core now? You can run any game on a 4 core and most on a 2 core so an 8 core would be overkill. Its more for the enthusiast and anyone who wants bragging rights
its a totally new processor that takes hyperthreading to a whole other level the are going to be multiple types. the is one that is definitely going to be released. weirdly the best way to describe this processor is a quad core processor with 8 cores. each 'core' is actually 2 cores with shared resources. so instead of intels hyperthreading that is litrally one core doing 2 different things each core withh be 2 cores doing 2 different things but of the same type. its hard to put into words but its basically going to result in multi threading performance that destroys intels current method of hyper threading. the are rumours of a 6 (12) core, 8 (16) core, and 12(24) core versions of this chip aswell. its going to come out at a similar time to the 16 core opeteron processor. people who will be using these processors are gamers, and graphic designers. am2 boards became am2+ with a simple bios update. i think the newer boards for am3 will be able to take bulldozer chips with a bios update (the 800 series am3 boards)
It's okorder /... Will you ever need an 8 core processor? Probably not.