Have a neighbor that is selling his van to an 80 yr old man. The van has serious electrical issues that go off and on. Just so happens it was working right when the buyer drove it. But almost everything in the dash goes on and off. Mostly it stays off. Is it legal for the seller to not be honest?
I know some states have a ''as is'' law. but the seller has to state what all is wrong with the car also,
caveate emperitorlet the buyer beware. it not illegal to non disclose faults, but it is a dick thing to do.
No state has any return period for a private party vehicle sale. None. Not 3 days, 3 hours, 3 minutes, etc. If return periods existed on vehicle sales, we'd have people buying convertibles on Friday, returning them on Monday. If the 80-year old man did not have the van inspected by a mechanic beforehand, it's his loss. Any used vehicle transaction is as is unless noted to the contrary in writing. The seller doesn't have to say anything about the condition, and anything said is called puffery and holds no water in court. However, yes, karma will come around and kick this guy in the nutsack. **ADD -- I lived in TX and was in the business for awhile. No, it is not illegal for the seller to not disclose issues. The ONLY thing would be if the seller (private or dealer) did not disclose a salvage-branded title.
It's not illegal as such, but it is in a way infringing upon the trade description act if it's a serious enough fault(s). Time will tell, however, as the buyer is entitled to return the van within 14 days of buying it for any reason. If the electrical equipment keeps cutting out or whatever, then that will get noticed and the buyer will probably be demanding a refund soon enough. As the other guy said, it's not a cool thing to do, but I suppose if you believe in karma, then it'll probably bite this guy in the ***!