What is different between AC, DC,and Servo motors? How can you control speed each motors?
AC and DC motors can take many forms. Servo motors can be AC or DC types and the name servo tends to mean 'can be position and/or controlled' - so they usually have some sort of external feedback mechanism, perhaps an encoder, resolver or tacho (sometimes all three). AC motors tend to be speed controlled by varying the frequency of the AC feeding the motor. DC motor tend to be speed controlled by varying the voltage of the DC feeding the motor.
Use a fuse in sequence with although you persist with so as that the motor is secure. no rely if it fairly is acdc, then employing a dc additionally gets it going. you may convert an ac of 12V to pulsating dc in case you employ a bridge rectifier rated for say 200V and 10 amps. if vacuum motor is rated for below a million.2kW. no rely if that is not any longer an ac dc motor, likely the fuse (say 15 amps) will save it. Get somebody who is familiar with all this, just to determine you do no longer might desire to purchase a sparkling vacuum motor..
AC has multiple windings and you have to pulse the windings in a certain order to create movement. The control logic that does the pulsing can control the speed by how often it goes to the next sequence. DC is the simplest and the more voltage you apply the faster it goes. You can vary the voltage either by actually varying the input voltage or through pulse width modulation (PWM) which very rapidly turns the motor on then off, so it moves but at any variable speed (until it is off for too long, and there isnt enough torque to get it going again). Servo is generally a dc motor that is controlled all through PWM. 50% duty cycle generally means middle and the farther extremes moves it left or right. Usually they do not rotate freely.