What is environmentalism like in Israel?
In recent years, Israel has acquired a worldwide reputation for its research prowess in clean and green technologies. Israel has developed some of the most advanced environmental protection systems in the world. Almost every home has solar heated water and other solar power. There are more hybrid cars per capita than almost any other country. There is actually a &Green Party& in the Israeli Parliament.
Galactic, Don't forget that the Zionists are mainly Europeans, the minority are arabs or Palestinians, they think like westerners, so all environment protocols are followed as in the west.
Israel is developing lots of solar technology. Among the religious Jewish population you will practice Shabbat, Jewish day of rest, turning off electricity for 25 hours every week, forget the mass marketed &Earth Hour&, where you turn electricity off for 60min once a year, then there's the holiday Tu B'Shvat, where you plant new trees.
I hear they're getting pretty switched on about it now. Apparently, electric cars are now tax exempt, or will be soon. Overall, I'm currently reading a lot on that subject, and I have a feeling it's alive and well. They have a strong hi tech industry, and provided water-zinc batteries with an astonishing range for the German postal service during a test run with electric courier vehicles in the 1980s when nobody else had heard of this before. If I remember right, those batteries afforded a range of 450kms, but were heavy and took long to recharge, hence the silence about them these days. Anyway, I'd say if environmentalism is your game, Israel seems a fertile ground for it.
Not good. Their bulldozers have eliminated all trees in certain parts of Palestine. The jews breath air, and drink water taken from neihbouring countries. bye bye