Inorganic salts are mineral nutrients that are present in the body and in food, and are composed of organic matter and inorganic matter. The body has been found to have more than 20 kinds of essential inorganic salts, about 4 to 5% of body weight. (> 5g) is calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, chlorine, magnesium, sulfur seven kinds of daily dietary requirements are more than 100mg, known as constant elements. In addition, the contents of iron, iodine, copper, zinc, manganese, cobalt, molybdenum, and selenium were studied by means of atomic absorption spectroscopy, neutron activation and plasma emission spectroscopy. , Chromium, nickel, silicon, fluorine, vanadium and other elements is also essential to the human body, daily dietary requirements for the amount of μg ~ mg called trace elements.
As a result of metabolism, every day a certain amount of inorganic salts from a variety of ways out of the body, which will be added through the diet. The metabolism of inorganic salts can be judged by analyzing the concentration of blood, hair, urine or tissue. The role of inorganic salts in the human body is interrelated. In the appropriate concentration range beneficial to the health of people and animals and plants, lack or too much can cause disease, and disease and affect its metabolism, often increase its consumption. In China, the lack of calcium, iron and iodine is more common. Selenium, fluoride and other geochemical environment with the different, both the lack of disease such as Keshan disease and Kashin-Beck disease, teeth, etc., there are too many diseases such as fluorosis and selenium poisoning.
Inorganic salts are important for the structure of tissues and cells. Hard tissues such as bones and teeth are mostly composed of calcium, phosphorus and magnesium, and soft tissue contains more potassium. The inorganic salt ions in the body fluid regulate the permeability of the cell membrane, control the water, maintain normal osmotic pressure and acid-base balance, and help transport the general element to the body, participate in nerve activity and muscle contraction. Some are inorganic or organic compounds that are involved in many important physiologic functions, which are constituents of enzymes that make up enzymes, hormones, vitamins, proteins and nucleic acids, or as activators of various enzyme systems. For example: to maintain the heart and brain activity, to help the formation of antibodies, play a useful role in the human body.
The distribution of inorganic salts in the body is extremely uneven. For example, calcium and phosphorus are mostly in hard tissue such as bone and teeth, iron is concentrated in red blood cells, iodine is concentrated in the thyroid, barium is concentrated in adipose tissue, cobalt is concentrated in hematopoietic organs, and zinc is concentrated in muscle tissue.