I've found something called maximum system voltage 000v on my 0 w panel nameplate. Its impossible for 0w to have 000v, right?
Contact the manufacturer of your panel(s) for the information you seek
Hi No i very much doubt it could produce that sort of voltage so get a voltmeter and check it. bright sunshine and dark.
System voltage is the total across the full chain of panels, when using multiple panels in series. It's what the insulation on the panel is rated to stand, to earth/ground, without breaking down. A device could have an output rating of V and still a 000V insulation rating. eg. if your 0W panel had an open-circuit voltage of 25V, the insulation is rated to stand up to 40 panels connected in series. (40 x 25 = 000V). And actually a 0W power source could be rated at 000V, if it's current rating was only 0 milliamps. (Though extremely impractical for a solar panel unit).