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What is on your Bucket List?

What is on your Bucket List?


My goodness, I am super late answering this. I seem to be doing that a lot lately. Well, great question, anyway. 1. Learn sign language. 2. Swim in the ocean. Any ocean. 3. See the Grand Canyon. 4. Publish a book. 5. Rob a bank. 6. Then give all the money back and apologize to the bank. 7. Make my own Chex Mix recipe. 8. Meet Johnny Depp. 9. Gain a hundred pounds, then lose it in two weeks. That's probably not healthy, but hey, this is America. 10. Learn the lyrics to every Beatles song. 11. Go to a rock concert. And dance. 12. Fall in love and get married. 13. Do the Cha Cha Slide with a large group of people. 14. Graduate high school and go to college. 15. Eat fire. 16. Fly. 17. Buy a puppy. 18. Chew gum. I haven't chewed gum in a really long time. I wants some gum. 19. Count to a million. 20. Meet a Y!A contact. (Yes, I stole this idea. I'm sorry.) 21. Go to Europe and see the whole thing. 22. Go on a game show and get rich! 23. Cheat death. 24. Learn to play poker. 25. Then go to a casino. 26. Save the world. 27. Get my doctorates in. something 28. Paint a really nice picture. 29. Meet an Oompa Loompa. 30. Create a cool sock collection. Lyra- Yeah, it's pretty sad. The largest group of people I've ever done the Cha Cha Slide was with three others. It'd be a lot funner to do it with like fifteen or more people.
I would really like to: 1. Be able to someday converse in French fluently. 2. Actually watch the Super Bowl for the first time. 3. Fall in love. 4. Learn to love making a fool of myself. 5. Sleep under the stars. 6. Spend the whole day reading a great novel. 7. Overcome my fear of failing. 8. Donate blood. 9. Buy my own house. 10. Grow and keep alive a garden. 11. Attend my first concert. 12. Live by myself in a foreign country 13. Travel to every continent. Well, at least 6 out of 7. 14. Learn who I am. 15. To write 50,000 words for NaNoWriMo some day. Great question :)

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