Just give me one. What is one study done, showing hard scientific evidence that the Bible is the word of God. And don't tell me that I need faith. Faith is blindly believing something that has absolutely no proof, simply for your own common interest. Faith is the plague of mankind.Give me one piece of evidence and I'll convert to Christianity. Until then, I'm an atheist.
i'm pretty sure that's the evidence your looking for
Brother come on now, I know that the bible seems completely unreal and the fact that people believe it word for word is nuts, but no good comes out of people busting each others nuts all the time. I think that we shouldn't use massive amounts of resources and time toward religion, but if people believe what they believe then they probably won't change there beliefs so u gotta just accept them and get along.
Look at the Grand Canyon!!!!11 Now how could you NOT believe that a 600 year old man gathered all the animal species in the world into a boat which didn't have enough space to have all of the correct environmental conditions and diets necessary for them to survive and took care of them for months with the help of only 8 people because an all-powerful all-loving all-knowing God messed up his plan and decided to kill everything?
Even if i gave you a fact, (which i more than likely can not because much as you hate it, you need faith.) you would not stay a Christian, because you would continually need facts to prove it. i believe you are just bored and need some entertainment. God is Faith, Faith in God, you need faith simple as that, i will pray for you. Most of the stuff that would be proof has been scientifically proven, so there would be no point, because you would argue the scientific part, but i will say this, The rainbow is gods promise never to flood the earth again, and yes there are floods everywhere but i forget how he puts it, basically he will never wipe out mankind again, until the very end.
serpent crusher, that's you idea of proof that the bible is real? seriously?