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What is pyrite used for?

What is pyrite used for?


Pyrite is an important chemical mineral raw material, mainly used in the manufacture of sulfuric acid. Some are used in chemical raw materials to produce sulfur and various sulfur-containing compounds. It has important uses in rubber, paper making, textiles, food, matches and other industries and agriculture. Especially in industry for the manufacture of various military products, smoke agents, etc.. Sulfuric acid is prepared from pyrite, whose slag can be used for iron making and steelmaking. If the slag has a high sulfur content and the iron content is not high, it can be used as a subsidiary material of cement mixture. In addition, pyrite is often associated with copper, lead, zinc, molybdenum and other sulfide deposits, and contains gold, cobalt, molybdenum and rare elements selenium, etc., can be comprehensively recovered and utilized.
The source pyrite deposits are mainly formed under endogenic conditions. In addition, the Yellow sulfur deposits of coal sulfur deposit formation is also worth using. The magma that has not solidified in the depths of the earth contains a lot of sulfur. When the magma invades the earth's crust, the sulfur contained in the magma is separated because the pressure is reduced. These sulfur compounds combine with various metals to form different sulphide minerals. When the magma contains a large amount of sulfur and oxygen is abundant, pyrite is produced; otherwise, pyrrhotite is formed.
The most common crystals of pyrite are six - body, eight - body and five - angle, twelve - body. There are fine stripes on the crystal faces of six square crystals. Sometimes many crystals join together to become a variety of polycrystalline crystals. Sometimes a golden yellow, sometimes brass, and Huang Liang Huang Liang, with a metallic luster. Specific gravity 4.95 - 5.20. Hardness 6 - 6.5. Green black streak. Brittle, easily broken by beating, and broken surfaces are uneven. When burning blue flame and a pungent smell of sulfur:

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