1 vinegar egg preparation to take fresh eggs 10, 9 degrees vinegar (or local quality vinegar) 500ml, honey or sugar amount. With alcohol disinfection of eggs into the porcelain containers, and then into the vinegar, sealed 48 hours, until the eggshell softened, only thin egg wrapped in swollen eggs, unsealed, the egg skin smashed, the egg white, Egg yolk and vinegar mix, then placed after 24 hours available. 2 use method to take vinegar egg 40 ~ 50ml, plus 2 to 3 times the warm water, plus the right amount of honey or sugar, feeding a day, once every 10 to 15 days can be. 3 cases on March 5, 1999, a farmer 1 pig susceptible treatment. Symptoms: normal body temperature, loss of appetite, defecation difficulties, often for defecation posture, sometimes discharged dry and small dung ball, and with white or red brown mucus, urine deep yellow and small, palpable abdominal touch To the large intestine with dry hard feces, diagnosed as constipation. Then with rhubarb 100g, fruit guide 10 feeding service, intramuscular injection VB1 10ml, once every 3 days, although the constipation has been alleviated, but a week later, the symptoms as early as possible. Second consultation in the original drug on the basis of plus Ma Ren 12g, talc, rhubarb, Yuan Mingfen, Citrus aurantium 9g, Jianshui feeding service, once every 3 days, still ineffective. Finally diagnosed as habitual constipation, then the law of the use of vinegar egg treatment for 10 days, told more, no recurrence. 4 experience vinegar egg drawn easy, affordable, effective, can be widely used in habitual constipation, constipation caused by infectious diseases, antibiotics should be based on the treatment, with the application of vinegar egg, the effect will be more satisfied.