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What is the best fighting military force in the USA?

What is the best fighting military force in the USA?


The Army, Marines, and USAF are terrible at naval warfare. Air Power - USAF Sea Power - USN Land Warfare - Army Coastal Defense - Coast Guard Sorry Marines, you're just too small.
The Mall of America Security Guards. Those guys can track you down and giving you littering ticket faster than you can blink.
I'd have to say, MARINES and ARMY, special forces, such as 101st airborne, Green Berets, Rangers, if you are talking man power. Subs, missles and aircraft carriers if you want machines and techonlogy.
Michael P. Is correct. the Marine Corps is small. it's also very unfortunate that when I mention the Marine Corps, people always give me a Wow. You were in the Marines? Not sure how may soldiers can say that.... Do not attack the First Marine Division. Leave the yellowlegs alone. Strike the American Army. ~Orders given to Communist troops in the Korean War; shortly afterward, the Marines were ordered to not wear their khaki leggings.~
Ballistic missile submarines, USAF missile silos... etc. Best by most destructive power.

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