What is the buffer time during general impact?
Short, of course. The principle used is simple:Buffer effect, that is, the greater the energy absorbed by the buffer material, the better.The same sliding friction, the rebound distance is only related to the initial velocity of the rebound. The greater the initial velocity, the longer the rebound distance.Then, the shorter the rebound distance, the smaller the energy of the car after the rebound. The smaller the energy, the more absorbed it is.The more absorption, the better the buffer material.
The actual situation is due to the existence of friction, momentum, has been reduced, compared with no buffer material, the increase of time which increases the loss of momentum collision is complete, so can reduce the elastic material momentum car collision process, it is also good.
The analysis of momentum due to system (wall, car) by the external force, so not to say, to be sure, because the buffer material existence, caused by the collision time increases, without loss of momentum, the car is affected by the elasticity decreases, which is good for you.