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The cost of concrete includes material prices, labor prices, and mechanical prices, where the material cost is calculated by multiplying the material content per cubic meter by the market price of each material to produce the material price per cubic meter of concrete. According to the C30 concrete mix ratio, the content of cement, sand, stone, water and admixture is calculated in the concrete of 1 cubic meter. The price of water can be calculated because the water consumption of the project is calculated according to the actual water consumption. . calculated 1 cubic meter of concrete tons of cement content multiplied by the actual cement per ton price; . calculated the amount of tons of admixture multiplied by the actual price per ton of admixture; . and calculated according to the mix Of the gravel for the weight, according to the sand, stone re-test report in the bulk density to calculate the sand, the size of the stone, according to the actual gravel per cubic meter of the price of 1 cubic meter of sand and gravel prices, such as if the sand In the re-examination report, the sand bulk density is 1350kg / m?, and 1 cubic meter of concrete contains 569kg of sand. The volume of sand is 569 ÷ 1350 ≈ 0.421 cubic meters, and the volume is multiplied by sand. The price per cubic meter is 1 cubic meter of concrete Raw material sand price. . the cement, admixture, sand, gravel price per cubic meter is added 1 cubic meter C30 concrete material cost price.
According to the mix calculation, raw material costs, production costs and the machine
Raw material costs according to the ratio to count, cement, fly ash and so on are calculated by the kilograms, directly count as well, as gravel, you can according to the tight bulk density and the bulk density of the average density to be converted into the number of tons per ton Money, so forget it. We are here on the sand side is 1.65 tons, the stone is 1.55 tons, the original of the original touch of the United States and the United States and the United States, the coefficient is not the same.
C30 concrete ratio is not the same place, according to the mix ratio, to determine the concrete side of the cement, sand, stone weight or volume,