Home > categories > Chemical > Additives > What is the definition of processed food exactly? How can a food be processed but not contain any additives?

What is the definition of processed food exactly? How can a food be processed but not contain any additives?

What is the definition of processed food exactly? How can a food be processed but not contain any additives?


Food that has gone through some kind of process - drying, cooking, freezing, pickling etc. Lots of processes don't involve addtives.
Food that has gone through some kind of process - drying, cooking, freezing, pickling etc. Lots of processes don't involve addtives.
Because processing also means cleaning, sorting and packaging foods. ALL veggies in the produce aisle have been processed or they would be still in the field. ALL fresh meat has been processed or it would still be running around in the pasture. the very act of canning veggies(nothing but the veggie and salt in the jar) is called processing and always has been. read ANY canning book out there. Here is the official definition of the word. proc·ess1 [?pr??ses, ?prō?ses] VERB perform a series of mechanical or chemical operations on (something) in order to change or preserve it: the various stages in processing the wool OVERLY processed foods is the stuff with a long ingredient list and lots of additives.
lets hope you do. you dont deserve to drive. you are a dangerthats what i think.
Yep.license suspended

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