What is the development prospect of humidifier?
In order to meet the needs of the use function and the aesthetic function of the air humidifier product type richer, more refined and other materials are more delicate, the color is more eye-catching, humidifier market prospects will be limitless.
Air humidifier is still a new product in our country. According to the statistics of relevant departments, the per capita share of humidifier products in China is far lower than that of developed countries such as the United States, Korea, Japan and so on. Increasing the research and development of air humidifier will be beneficial to the development of domestic air humidifier industry, to improve the quality of life and enhance the national health level
With the development of economy and the improvement of people's living standard, people's demands for quality of life and health are getting higher and higher. Air humidifier is such a slow walk into many parts of the world, becoming a dry area indispensable family of small household electrical appliances