also, why lime and an ammonium fertilizer should not be added to the soil at the same time? plz plz help...urgent assignment.needed to be handed in on monday!!!
limes have a sweeter smell and taste a little it better and theyre green
You want to mix lemon juice water and sugar.
Limes are sweeter and less acidic. More fragrant juice. Lemons are more acidic and have a lot of oil in the skin. Good for the zest.
Lemons are yellow, round, larger than limes and are sweet to taste thats coz they contain hexose-furanose rings, while juices from the limes had pentose-furanose rings making them sour, green, smaller and oval in shape...You will find limes on a lime tree.
A lime has denser flesh than a lemon which makes it heaver. Limes contain more acid than lemons, and are more sour (but lemons are small, green and more bitter before they mature and then turn yellow and more sweet when they mature. So what's the difference between a lime and an immature lemon?) When put into a glass or bowl of water, a lime will sink to the bottom, and a lemon will float on the top. Could the difference in density be due to a difference in sugar content or a difference in lipid (oil) content? Lipids are less dense than water. Lemons are known for their lemon oil. Cut a lemon and feel the oil on the surface. A small, dense, green, immature lemon floats in water! Although lemons are acidic, they are alkalizing in your body. Most of the foods we eat are very acidic and too much acid can bring about a barrage of health problems. That's because your body actually prefers to be alkaline. Instead, most people bombard their systems with too many acidic foods and drinks, which have long lasting detrimental effects. That's why lemons are so important to consume. They help alkalize your blood and your body thanks you!