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What is the relationship between the dynamic load, static load and shelf load of the pallet?

What is the relationship between the dynamic load, static load and shelf load of the pallet?


A horizontal platform for placing, stacking, carrying, and transporting goods and articles as unit loads. As a kind of container equipment similar to container, pallet has been widely used in the fields of production, transportation, storage and circulation, and is regarded as one of the two key innovations in the logistics industry in twentieth Century. As an important loading, unloading, storage and transportation equipment in the process of logistics operation, pallet plays an important role in modern logistics.
Therefore, the choice of the loading capacity of the tray, to understand the use of the tray function, when the tray to rack storage, the shelf load is the most important. At the same time, the load capacity of the pallet has a lot to do with the way the goods are placed on the pallet. The load area will be reduced, and the actual surplus load of the pallet will be reduced, not the original rated load.
1, static load (Static, capacity): static load refers to the tray placed in the horizontal and rigid plane, the goods are evenly tiled on the pallet, the pallet can withstand the maximum load weight.2, dynamic load (Dynamic, capacity): dynamic load refers to the use of forklifts and other transport equipment, the tray in the dynamic operation, the pallet on the tile evenly placed, and can withstand the maximum load weight.3, on the shelf load (racked capacity): refers to the tray on the beam shelf or other similar material frame cross beam space-time, pallets tiled evenly placed, can withstand the maximum load weight.

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