What is the relationship between the running current of the stepper motor and the subdivision drive? What is the mathematical or empirical relationship?
But you set the 5A, although the strength of the big, but the relative motor heating also increased, the current settings need to be set according to the actual situation. Generally small load, low speed set small current, and high load change speed requires high current. There are no mathematical formulas that are set according to the actual situation
For example, the drive has a subdivision of 1000 (or 5), which means that the angle is reduced by 5 times, that is, "1.8/5=0.36", which means that the motor rotates at an angle of 0.36 degrees each step. The accuracy has been increased by 5 times. And the current, stepper motor has a rated current, for example, a click of the rated current is 4A, if you select the 2.25A above the drive, then the motor's strength can not reach its original torque,
Stepper motor is the default step to 1.8 degrees angle, 360/1.8=200 pulse, so the stepper motor is the default 200 pulses of a turn, but in some institutions require high precision, 1.8 degrees is not suitable, so there is a drive on subdivision settings,