What is the relationship between the structure of the nuclear grade HEPA filter and its resistance?
The filtration theory and experimental research began in the early twentieth Century. In 1922, Freundlich proposed that aerosol particles existed at 0. 1~0., 2 m radius and had the maximum permeability (Spurny,
2003), now has become an important environmental protection equipment to prevent radioactive aerosol atmospheric pollution is commonly used in the nuclear industry in the world. To decrease HEPA filter resistance, can significantly reduce the cost of construction and operation of ventilation system. Research on the resistance and other structural parameters, the relationship between the number of decreasing the resistance is one of the core tasks of theory and experimental study on filtering (Fu Haiming et al,
In addition to low concentrations of submicron particles, the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission in 1940s used it in experimental reactors to remove radioactive dust (Anglenetal,
1997. After that, many scholars at home and abroad have carried on the massive research to the air filtration theory, has given the filter resistance computation formula, but the computation result and the measured data have the bigger deviation (Lin Zhongping,
1998; Xu Zhonglin, 1998).Thomas (2001) of the filter resistance under non steady state conditions were investigated and simulated experiments. So far, the existing theory can not be used for guiding production practice filters directly. The improved structure of the HEPA filter, find the minimum resistance parameters of HEPA filter to investigate the relationship between structure and resistance, high efficiency filter, is of great significance for the development of air filter, high performance of filtration theory.