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What is the role of Biogas

What is the role of Biogas


Fish cultureThe nutrition of the biogas slurry is easy to be absorbed by the plankton, which can promote the growth and reproduction, improve the water quality, reduce the consumption of dissolved oxygen, and avoid the occurrence of the pond. At the same time because of the exclusion of fresh manure brought many bacteria and parasite eggs of fish, fish ponds per acre annual savings of 80 kg to shake the bait.
Biogas can replace gasoline and diesel oilBiogas can be used to start the machine, irrigation and drainage, power generation and processing of agricultural and sideline products
Biogas can save labor.The utility model can save the labor day of coal and waste cleaning, and can also reduce the cooking time. In addition, the use of Biogas Slurry Soaking, can improve the germination rate, seedling rate and stress resistance. How to use biogas slurry Bu after 6 Pakistan, can increase the fruit yield, improve the quality of. The use of biogas can also paste chicken dagger. Biogas can be used for mushroom cultivation, cultivation of seedling nutrition. In short, the field of comprehensive utilization of biogas is expanding, biogas digesters, toilet, courtyard model, pen and greenhouse four combined, not only solved the farmer winter pig, vegetables and other problems, and make the farmers become fallow for the winter and busy, a substantial increase in income.
Biogas produced in rural household biogas digesters is mainly used for domestic fuel. A fire can be cooked, a plant produced by fermentation of the oxidation of gases, flammable and explosive. Through the pipes lead over the gas stove, special cooking, lighting.

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