what is the role of the operating system in preparation for the development of a learning resource?
Obviously the jury thought so, and they knew a lot more about the case than you do, so I'd tend to believe their verdict was fair.
Not enough information. What percentage of the 98% white employees were habitually late? Is there documentation that the black worker approached his employer about the parking situation? Is there documentation of other race-related incidents occurring at this workplace over the time period of his employment there?
From what ive learned re plumbing my house, cpvc is the way to go cold and hot. Im guessing the sales rep told you its better for consumption water because Cpvc resists bacteria in stagnate pipes due to the chlorinated treatment of the pipe. Meaning bacteria can grow in it if its pvc. Wheather it would make your water actually taste bad is debatable depending on your area and water treatment department, or lack of a water treatment department if you have a well or live in a smaller town. I just feel better going with the type that has better antibacterial properties. Also, pvc and cpvc have different diameters and cant be used directly together, even if they both say 1/2 inch pvc is measured by inside diameter and cpvc is measured by outside diameter. So i think its just easier and less confusing to run one type of pipe throughout your house. And, as mentioned before, cpvc can be used for higher temperatures, its more flexable and easy to work with, and youll only spend a few bucks more on it as opposed to regular pvc. Note that cpvc uses a different glue due to its different chemical makeup, so regular pvc glue will not bind with cpvc, and primer is not needed if you buy the right glue.
How about providing a link so we know this story is true. Otherwise this is more racist race-baiting from a right-wing conservative.
No it's not,the only people discriminated against in America are white people.