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What is the size of the building staircase?

What is the size of the building staircase?


General residential step width of not less than 260mm high not more than 175mm commercial width of not less than 280mm high not more than 160mm staircase large size 5400 / 5100x2600 / 2400mm
Staircase stepping width of 300mm, high 150mm is the proportion of gold, is more moderate. But for the public building is greater than or equal to 300mm, high 100mm-150mm relatively moderate. ? Residential staircase width can not be less than 1100mm, staircase platform width can not be less than 1100mm. ? These are just a few of the design specifications. Please refer to the design specifications for details.
Staircase stepping width of 300mm, high 150mm is the proportion of gold, is more moderate. Residential staircase width can not be less than 1100mm, staircase platform width can not be less than 1100mm; but the specific decision by the construction unit, because never allowed half
Step length is generally 1050mm, width is 280mm, high 150-180

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