What is the thickness of the glass used for partitioning?
Depends on the specific shape and use of the case if the individual windows and other small area decoration, 5mm is enough. If it is a large area of the use of glass partition, then 10mm or 12mm.
3 - 4 PCT glass partition, mm in the daily also known as the PCT. We said 3 PCT glass, refers to the thickness of 3mm glass. This kind of glass is mainly used for frame surface.
5 - 6% glass partition, mainly used for external walls, doors and other small areas of light modeling and so on
7 - 9 PCT glass partition, mainly for indoor screen and other large area but there are framework to protect the shape of the.
9 - 10 PCT glass partition, can be used for indoor large partition, railings and other renovation projects.
????? 11 - 12% glass partition, can be used to spring glass doors and some of the activities of the larger flow of people separated.
?????? 15% above the glass partition, the general market sales less often need to order, mainly for larger areas of the glass wall to the outer wall of the glass wall.