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What is the width of the interior door?

What is the width of the interior door?


Door height: for people to pass the door, the height is generally not less than 2m, and then high should not exceed 2.4m, otherwise there is a sense of emptiness, door production needs to be particularly strengthened. Such as modeling, ventilation, lighting needs, you can add a window on the door, its height from 0.4m onwards, but it should not be too high. For vehicles or equipment through the door, according to the specific circumstances of the decision, its height should be higher than the vehicle or equipment 0.3 ~ 0.5m, so as not to bump the vehicle or equipment needs to pad drum handle collision door frame. As for the clearance requirements of all types of vehicles, refer to the corresponding specifications. If the stadium, exhibition hall, large volume, large space buildings, need to set up a super scale when the door is attached at the gate door is provided by conventional fan, do not need to open the door for when people can pass. Check the door a lot of various equipment well within the building, it is often through the place, so the general frame of high and ordinary door neat or less, and a baseboard with high threshold remains below its height, you do not need to worry about 2m, about 1.5m to.
The size of the door is stipulated by the state:Door height: minimum shall not be less than 2m, the maximum shall not exceed 2.4m;Width of door: the door width of every door in residential area is 0.9m-1m; the width of indoor door is 0.8-0.9m; the width of kitchen door and bathroom door is 0.7-0.8m.
Door width: General residential door 0.9 to 1m, sub room door 0.8 ~ 0.9m, kitchen door 0.8m or so, toilet door 0.7 ~ 0.8m, due to consider the move of modern furniture, now take the upper limit size. Public building door width is generally a single door 1m, double door 1.2 to 1.8m, and then the width of the door to consider the production, double doors or more doors of the door width of 0.6 ~ 1.0m is appropriate. The width of the fire escape door for safe evacuation shall be set according to the calculation and specifications (relevant fire code).

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