Ok so ill be getting another dog in May but I need to know what my beagle will need. Yes I know beagle are very active I don't need a lecture about how a beagle is! I've read alot about them! So far I have a hoodie, a big dog bed and yes I know the bony need a big bed but I still think its useful. A light up leash and a dog brush. What else do I need? My beagle will be a female puppy too.
The lighter fluid will burn and go out, leaving a residue behind. Resin that is set will burn if surrounded by fire (like a thick casting in a house fire) but it resists soaking in so the flame of a liquid burns away from the surface. In bars you will find resin table tops with cigaret burns.
What is safe outdoors is safe indoors, not vice versa so yes. You should probably get a new set that has not had possible breaks in the wire coating.