I'm medium height for my age (5'5), I'm fair skinned with light brown hair and light brown eyes, and I'm really thin.What colors would look good on me and what types of clothes would look good in your opinion (jackets,skirts, different types of jeans, etc.)I'm getting bored of my clothes so I would like some suggestions lol thanks very much :)
paint ball whomps airsofts a s s owen both and i prefer my paintball gun could be cus ive got an A-5 and electric trigger lol
Paintball is more funner, but if your scared of getting hurt, then do Airsoft.
active the Bluetooth and open the door voila cheers
Sure, it's safe enoughjust be sure to wear eye protection, and don't do dumb stuff like shooting at each other at dangerously close range. It won't make a mess like paintball, so you could do it indoors as long as you don't have anything valuable around that might get knocked over or damaged in the excitement. The downside is that airsoft doesn't leave a mark like paintball, so you'll need to use the honor system for getting hit.
It depends heavily on your set-up. if it's high power or high rof you could crack your gearbox. Cold makes metal brittle. If it's running stock you will probably be fine. And for co2, you will have much less power seeing as how gas guns depend on higher temperatures to make the gas more expansive. Safe use of airsoft guns requires using at least eye protection. Full face protection is recommended.