What kind of milk contains more additives, 2% or whole?
If by additives you mean the crap they give the cows to make more milk, then both. It is best to go organic or soy to avoid said additives. I was raise on a dairy farm and we never gave our cattle antibiotics and what not? to make them produce more milk. We fed them, loved them, and never over milked them. They had hundred of acres to graze on and we didn't eat themlol Stay away from generic milks (ie store brands). Also it is best to buy milk in cartons since the plastic containers can contaminate the milk with cancer causing chemicals. If I sound a little nuts over this,well I am. We have too many female cancers linked to milk and other cancers as well.
Neither. In the US, both whole and 2% (as well as 1%, if you can find it) are fortified with calcium and usually vitamin D. Also, they may have lecithin (a natural nutrient, in the B-complex of vitamins) added as an emulsifier/stabilizer. However, milk that's marketed as super skim milk---it's thicker, not as watery as regular skim---has additives. Nothing bad, though; mostly it's some lecithin, and some carrageenan, a nutritive extract made from seaweed, which happens to also be a thickener.
i would have to say whole cause whole mil contain sugar 2% contain jsut milk and water