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What kind of supermarket shelves?

What kind of supermarket shelves?


Supermarket shelves of various categories, the industry God to build cash register / shelf manufacturers, according to the classification of the use of words, there are the following; first, the large shopping mall is used in supermarket shelves.
1. - 2. an Chen Yongguan shelf rack 3. back plate shelf 4. Shanghai shelf 5. warehouse supermarket shelves 6. center back shelf 7. back net rack 8. washing shelf 9. Electrical appliance, shelf, etc.
These shelves are commonly used shelves, are based on their style and process to distinguish between different. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Two, small supermarket convenience store shelves, this type of shelf main features of small, detailed, flexible, light load, mainly a few models:1. small center backplane shelf, 2. small back net shelf, 3. four column type shelf, 4. small hanging board shelf. 5. Angle steel shelf 6., changeable shelf, 7. goods shelf etc.

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