I live on a 2nd floor apartment with gorgeous, huge, arched windows. Until a week ago, we had a lovely view of a tree-lined street in NYC, but my building just installed a scaffolding which almost acts as a balcony for us. Our view is gone, and there is definitely a safety issue as anyone could climb off the scaffolding into our apartment through the windows. The windows are so old, and cannot fully lock unless wedged shut - and then we cannot open them for any kind of ventilation.There is work being done on the building and the super says the scaffolding will be up for at least a year.As a tenant, what rights do I have? I want to call my landlord and ask for a rent reduction as these windows were a huge spelling point at the time of rental. I am also worried that someone will enter my apartment during the day when I am not here. We have been here happily for 5 months, but this is really upsetting. Any advice on what I should do?
The scaffold is necesary, and already thre, and probably not coming down. I would think you have to LET the Land Lord give you a deal, and any decent LAnd Lord should respect wishes. You may have to move, but a deduction, possibly. Security, demand it ! Get the windows fixed, and if you are really unsure of the scaffold and window, get renters insurance, it's just twenty bux a month !. or buy a big DOG
explain to your land lord the problems you are facing because of the old windows. i hope he understands you otherwise vacate the house and search for a new one. some companies also insurance for renters.go for it. i hope my answer helps you. all the best!