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What's the best way to clean the water dispenser?

What's the best way to clean the water dispenser?


Instructions for use of cleaning equipment for drinking fountainsA: take off the bucket above the fountain.Two: take the smart seat at the intake of water dispenser and scrub it clean.Three: unscrew the water outlet under the water dispenser and release all the water into the prepared container,Such as: bucket.In the process of discharging water, because the water dispenser has not been cleaned for a long time, the water supply may be impeded or even blocked. When faced with this situation, you can use fine wire to dredge the outlet pipe. The tip of the wire to the outlet pipe is smooth, so as not to pierce.Four: in the container (bucket) put a proper amount of citric acid, until the solution is saturated.Five: the water dispenser cleaning machine to connect the power supply. A water inlet pipe of the washing machine is inserted into a container provided with citric acid solution; the water outlet pipe of the cleaning machine is fixed at the water inlet above the water dispenser. Turn on the washer switch and start cycling.
Lemon, cut into thin slices, boil in a kettle and change the lemonade into a water dispenser before soaking the water for ten minutes. Then rinse it off on o
Suggest using white vinegar or vinegar, add water soak in the water dispenser for a while, repeated two or three times, and then rinse with water one or two times.

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