He is putting in new counters and he is stuck. Please, your answer should be something normally kept in a kitchen and within reach of a penninsula. Your choices are coffee accessories, baking items, grill utensils and a toaster.
i'm sure your spatchula that has been scratching off the burnt and undisirable food you've been serving him for years would work to free him.
Potential Darwin Award nominee here.
Hm. I think he should just stay stuck until you get home from work to teach husband a lesson about getting stuck while playing with concrete. Then, on your way home, stop by a construction site and pick up a jackhammer and get him out of there with that. Maybe he'll learn to call a professional next time. Silly men. But, if that won't do and you REALLY want him out of there, I'd say a butter knife, a pair of tongs, and some butter or cooking oil might get the job done.
Why un-cement yourself? I think a stationary husband, cemented into the kitchen would be a lovely feature and a GREAT conversation point! Maybe you could cement the kids onto the front lawn.... real live garden gnomes! :)