What's the meaning of the double stack rate of the cable mica tape 100%?
Cable mica with double superposition rate of 100%, is the mica tape wrapped in two layers, each stack to 100% (that is, a pressure ratio of 100%), but your request is high, or if someone fooled you, they usually reach around 50% on the good, is unlikely to reach 100%, is around no problem how to charter the technical realization of the domestic information ah, general requirements for mica tape wrapped in two layers, each ride pressure rate to 50%, there are problems in communication.
I can not find the meaning of this sentence, but the literal meaning should be wrapped with mica cables, in double coating conditions, should reach 100% margin of the resistance effect of it, if the above conjecture is right, then you can try the electric wire wrapped two layers of mica tape on the outside, with pencil / meter / block under test can be measured (around a few laps) to induction, if no basic can count it 100%.