my friend has a lot of beer cans but no money to buy a crusher whats the next best thing?
The well-heeled boot?? Crush in the middle first, then flatten in the two ends... works for me! Recycle, reduce, reuse!!!
He could crush the cans by putting them under a really big and heavy weight and him pushing down on the weight. The cans will get crushed and be flat. By doing this, the pressure from the big and heavy weight will push down on the cans and flatten them.
What works best if you dont have a can crusher is stomping them flat with your foot. make sure your wearing a boot or any hard shoe. and stomp down hard. Make sure the can is standing upright.
A roommate who gets tired of your mess is always handy!! Just let your cans pile up until no one stand the mess and let your neatfreak roomies handle it. But realistically, bare hands are sufficient if you're a big strong he-man like myself. Crease the middle till opposite sides touch, fold it over so the edge of the top touches the edge of the bottom, crease the outside edges halfway between the bend and each end (two creases), buckle them inwards, then squish.
Find an antique Maytag wringer washer. Run them through the wringer.