what's the reason for gently rocking the vehicle on the hoist before raising it?
just to double check the positioning of the arms of the hoist to the car, if one is going to shift and the car falls, better to have it fall a foot to the ground than 6 feet to the ground killing whoever is standing under it. its just a safety precaution
I agree with LeAnne with one exception. If the car actually rocks on the hoist I am not so sure I would be under it working! PS. A funny but dangerous experience. I was in my office at my mechanical repair shop and two of my employees were changing the rear differential on our jeep with a plow on the front. The jeep was solid as a rock on the hoist until they pulled the the entire rear diferential housing and wheels down. Guess what! the plow was so heavy the jeep tipped forward and the plow hit the cement floor so hard it rattled my desk and my teeth in the office! No one was under it thank my upper power! Be careful out there!! Woody
the reason for rocking it is to make sure the vehicle is stable. you don't want it falling from 6 feet, especially if you are under it. the average cost to fix a car that falls from 1 foot $0.00 the average cost to fix a car that falls from 4+ feet $3500.00
If it's not solid on the lift, it's a lot nicer to let it fall off at 3 inches high rather that 5 feet off the floor.