What's the use of refractory bricks?
Refractory material of a certain shape and size.According to the preparation process can be divided into bricks, brick, electric melting brick (Rong Zhuzhuan), the refractory insulating bricks; according to the shape and size can be divided into standard brick, ordinary brick, specific rotation. It can be used as high temperature building materials and structural materials for construction kilns and various thermal equipments, and can undergo various physical, chemical and mechanical changes at high temperature.For example, refractory clay brick, high alumina brick, brick, brick etc..
Refractory bricks are mostly used in the lining of furnaces of high temperature industries. Such as iron and steel industry, blast furnace, hot blast furnace, converter, colored reverberatory furnace, rotary kiln, etc.
Refractory brick fire resistance is greater than 1580 degrees, and the average brick three or four Baidu softened deformation. The refractory brick because of its high refractoriness, and high pressure molding, and after high temperature kiln, so the use of strength is particularly good, practicality is particularly strong in high temperature liquid, gas with high temperature, high temperature solid, chemical corrosion products etc..