What shoes does the builder wear well to prevent nails?
Anti-static safety shoes, prevent foreign goods hit pressure on the foot work, work safety shoes, safety shoes, anti smashing refers to work in order to prevent foreign objects at a working pressure in the shoes on the foot is usually referred to as anti-static safety shoes. Due to the special anti smashing, anti smashing manufacturing process safety shoes the material is exquisite and.
Safety shoes or labor shoes, it has high pressure, puncture function, suitable for high risk areas.
The shoe with break prevention and steel head shoe are of same kind, namely the safety shoe that protects toe. Safety shoes and shoes are foot protection, toe protection, puncture proof, insulation, acid and alkali resistance. Specification for preventing oil area of oil or oil spills places safety shoes; waterproof shoes for ground water or water workplace; anti smashing footwear is a main function of preventing falling objects by foot. The shoes of the former Baotou have impact resistant materials. The main function is to prevent burns, thorn steel shoes cut, should be able to withstand certain pressure and resistance to a certain temperature, non flammable. This kind of shoes is suitable for smelting, furnace, cast iron and so on,