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What should we do if our neighbor's home base plants trees to affect the lighting of our house?

What should we do if our neighbor's home base plants trees to affect the lighting of our house?


Where the tree planted in the homestead influences the lighting, the affected person may ask the neighbor to stop the infringement and remove the obstruction. If the neighbor refuses to correct it, the affected party may go to court for a settlement."Civil law" article eighty-third of the adjacent property the parties shall, in accordance with the spirit of good production, convenient life, solidarity, fair and reasonable, correctly handle the relationship between adjacent water supply, drainage, access, ventilation, lighting and other aspects. If an obstruction or loss is caused to the neighboring party, the infringement shall be stopped, the obstruction is prevented and the loss is compensated.
You can talk it over with him first! If you can't do it, ask for help! Find someone to adjust!
According to the problems of the general principles of the civil law of the views of the 97 to 103 of the rules of the neighborhood in the homestead tree to the adjacent side impact, you have the right to ask your neighbors to remove the obstacles, such as the negotiation fails, you can ask the local courts to solve and have the right to claim compensation.

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